
Potential (Neglected) incompatibility with Vanilla Genetics Expanded

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The reason why I mark this as "neglected" is because the entire feature of verb power adjustment is forgotten... Yes this feature exists in the mod, but at some point, I have totally forgotten about it and continued with only HP adjustmnent in my mind.

hey thanks for opening the issue.

Ill copy the text in here ( because the discord thread will get deleted after a while )

"EBF.Patches.PostFix_VerbProperties_GetDamageFactorFor.EBF.Patches.PostFix_VerbProperties_GetDamageFactorFor.PostFix_Patch0" is, specifically the EBF part, which is elite bionics framework. The next entry underneath is another patch:
In the harmony list "GetDamageFactorFor" is mentioned with vanilla genetics
both are being labeled postifx, which is a patch executed after the original method.

Alright, I think I know what this is.

Part of this is because I was not too familiar with the deep details of C#, but when coding this a long time ago, the IDE suggested an auto-fix to the null-value problem to me which (today) turns out to be the wrong suggestion. It literally gave me no errors when compiling...

The update will be released this week.

Update released. Therefore, closing this.