
instaBuy is an ecommerce application built with Next js. Autoformatted with ESlint and prettier. MongoDb for DB. React Context API for state management

Primary LanguageJavaScript


instaBuy is an ecommerce application built with Next js. Autoformatted with ESlint and prettier. MongoDb for DB. React Context API for state management


  • Authentication using JWT
  • Different login for admin and user
  • Paypal payment integration
  • Admin can perform CRUD operations for products ,orders and users.
  • Filters for products (price, category, brand, sortBy)
  • Add reviews on products
  • Search for products
  • Image upload on cloudinary
  • SSR using next js
  • Pagination for products page
  • React Context API for state management
  • View order history

Test credentials


email: sb-tlnab6813542@personal.example.com pass: B_7y3_fo

Admin Login

email: admin@example.com

pass: 123456


the project is deployed on vercel

Tech Stack

Client: Next JS, Material UI

Server: Next JS

Database: Mongo DB

API Documentation

API Documentation


Screenshot 2022-07-03 at 1 04 47 AM Screenshot 2022-07-03 at 1 06 10 AM Screenshot 2022-07-03 at 1 06 17 AM Screenshot 2022-07-03 at 1 06 23 AM Screenshot 2022-07-03 at 1 08 15 AM Screenshot 2022-07-03 at 1 08 35 AM Screenshot 2022-07-03 at 1 08 41 AM