
$MissingComponents returns $false if any prereq is already installed

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug

Issue in:
On line 142

The script checks for any missing Components and missing Prerequisites.
If any of the Prerequisites ISN'T missing, then none of Components and Prerequisites are installed.

Erroneous code snippet:
$MissingComponents = [bool]($Script:dotNETRequired -AND $Script:LicenseFileMissing -AND $Script:SQL2014_CLR_Missing -AND $Script:SQL2014_SMO_Missing -AND $Script:MSReportViewer2015_Missing)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

[bool]$dotNETRequired = $false
[bool]$SQL2014_CLR_Missing = $true
[bool]$SQL2014_SMO_Missing = $true
[bool]$MSReportViewer2015_Missing = $true
[bool]$LicenseFileMissing = $true

$MissingComponents = [bool]($dotNETRequired -AND $SQL2014_CLR_Missing -AND $SQL2014_SMO_Missing -AND $MSReportViewer2015_Missing)

Expected behavior
$MissingComponents should be $true if any Components or Prerequisites is missing.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [Windows Server 2019]
  • Version [Veeam VBR 10a]

Additional context
Not exactly sure how to handle this logic.

Looks like a logic error.

Changing from:

$MissingComponents = [bool]($Script:dotNETRequired -AND $Script:LicenseFileMissing -AND $Script:SQL2014_CLR_Missing -AND $Script:SQL2014_SMO_Missing -AND $Script:MSReportViewer2015_Missing)


$MissingComponents = [bool]($Script:dotNETRequired -OR $Script:LicenseFileMissing -OR $Script:SQL2014_CLR_Missing -OR $Script:SQL2014_SMO_Missing -OR $Script:MSReportViewer2015_Missing)

Please test and follow-up. If it works for you, please submit a PR for the change.

Tested and implemented your change suggestion in #141.

Awesome! I'm OOO this week. I'll review this next week.