
Different row count between raw data from ga4 and base_ga4__events

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Background: I'm currently using this package to generate session based data based on ga4 events raw data. In order to migrate our company old data marts to use ga4 data.
Problem Statement: as the title says.
Steps to Reproduce: Run this package and use your own raw data. check and compare count of raw table and base_ga4__events
Expected: the rows have same count
Actual Behavior: around 200k rows or 0.4% data points are missing.

Any info is there any configuration missing?

I only add config below in my dbt projects

    start_date: "20240118" # Earliest date to load
    static_incremental_days: 3 # Number of days to scan and reprocess on each run
    query_parameter_exclusions: ["gclid","fbclid","_ga"] 
    query_parameter_extraction: ["gclid","fbclid","keyword"] 
      - user_property_name: "some_property_name"
         value_type: "string_value"

Hi @tegardp , there is no expectation that the row counts should match. We dedupe events based on the parameters listed here:

qualify row_number() over(partition by event_date_dt, stream_id, user_pseudo_id, session_id, event_name, event_timestamp, to_json_string(ARRAY(SELECT params FROM UNNEST(event_params) AS params ORDER BY key))) = 1

So it is normal to have fewer events in the base model than in the raw data.

yea I'm aware of that line of code.

But actually if I remove that line of code. The value match with the Google Analytics One. Meanwhile, If I keep that line, there's bound to have some discrepancies :/