
Releasing a build

Closed this issue · 14 comments

@VenVen would you mind if I released a build via github? There's been a lot of fixes since the last one.

After I upload a bunch of fixes, I should have that up by tomorrow. Currently I need to go through all of the engine fairing colliders, changing them to proper convex colliders.

Ah, gotcha. Right, I forgot that issue (AGAIN).

@VenVen would it be too much to ask to take a look at some of the open pull requests for this release? They've been sitting around for quite a while.

@blowfishpro I've added your :FIRST changes, some of the other pull requests, however have been made manually myself.

@NathanKell oh speaking of the fairings, I read somewhere that they now have a specific layer for them (layer 19?) does the layer need to be named anything or can I leave its layer description (tag whatever its called) blank?

I think setting them to Layer 19 is sufficient.

@VenVen Did that work out? What else is remaining? Anything I can help with?

I tried changing the fairings to L19, but when they were ingame, the fairings failed to appear until the engine was re-attached.

Other than that, it's just the pruners and the path patches files. Updating those files would be a snap with 'main.js', but due to my superb foresight, I changed the folder structure, so now it doesn't work. :/

I'd also like to change the path patches so they're not FINAL, so they can be overridden if needed.
I'm not sure it's really worth updating the pruner--maybe release for now without it, and see how many people howl? And then add back if needed? ^_^

As for the fairings...oh, right. I don't think you need to layer them yourself, the layer is applied by the code when they are decoupled. While they're still part of the whole fairing part, they should still be on the part layer. So...don't think you have to do anything necessarily? Apologies for confusion.

Yep, no change was made to the assets when that change was made on our end, so I think you don't have to change anything either.

Ok, thanks for responding to that. I've gone and uploaded the modified patches and some other things, So it should be ready.

Also I did a quick tweak to the path patches--I wasn't clear on what I meant, sorry. :)

@VenVen um, you removed the jet models but, as far as I can tell, left the textures in? That means they can't be used by other mods (like AJE) but they still take up just as much RAM as in 1.8 (since the textures are still included). I'd suggest either including all the relevant files or none of them. : ]

Oops, the textures inside /Propulsion were missed when I removed the old jet engine models. I've moved the old jets into a new folder inside the Part Bin/NewParts folder.