Shared database between node and python using node-lmdb
Gfuse opened this issue · 6 comments
I am completely new with nodejs and node-lmdb, so I will appreciate if you can help me to understand how to solve my problem.
I am trying to make a shared database between nodejs and python using node-lmdb (0,9,70) in node side and lmdb (0, 9, 22) in python side.
I made a database in node side, then I tried to read data in python side using the following codes, but I could not decode data in python side. Could you help me to read data in a proper format?
The node side output:
Current lmdb version is { versionString: 'LMDB 0.9.70: (December 19, 2015)',
major: 0,
minor: 9,
patch: 70 }
database statistics:
{ pageSize: 4096,
treeDepth: 1,
treeBranchPageCount: 0,
treeLeafPageCount: 1,
entryCount: 3 }
The out put of the python side:
(0, 9, 22)
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Best regards
Unfortunately I don't know Python, never used Python myself. But will try to take a look at your code.
Okay so this is what you have in your JS:
txn.putNumber(dbi, "key3", 120);
txn.putNumber(dbi, "majid", 20);
txn.putNumber(dbi, "maad", 202);
And this in your Python:
raw = txn.get(str(database_name).encode())
In your JS code you put numbers in your database, while on the python side you are reading some raw byte array data, not numbers. I think this is the problem.
the point with node-lmdb is that I write the numbers with specific names in an Open database:
var dbi = env.openDbi({
name: "ma",
create: true
});var txn = env.beginTxn();
txn.putNumber(dbi, "key3", 120);
txn.putNumber(dbi, "majid", 20);
txn.putNumber(dbi, "maad", 202);
While in python side I have access to the database, not specific data
database_name = "ma"
raw = txn.get(str(database_name).encode())
if I write the follwoing code, the output of is: None
raw = txn.get(str("majid").encode())
Okay so here is the documentation for the Python lmdb module: ― it tells you how to access each item in your database as a binary. In node-lmdb you can also work with binaries, so that seems to be the easiest way to co-operate between the two.
Dear Venemo, thank you for your suggestion. I solved it by using your suggestion. In following you will find the codes.
JS side:
var lmdb = require('node-lmdb');
function createBinary(dec){
var b = null;
if (isNaN(dec)) {
b = new Buffer(dec);
} else {
b = new Buffer(dec.toString());
return b
console.log("Current lmdb version is", lmdb.version);
var env = new lmdb.Env();{
path: "./database",
maxDbs: 10
// Open database
var dbi = env.openDbi({
name: "ma",
create: true
// Begin transaction
var txn = env.beginTxn();
var stat = dbi.stat(txn);
console.log("\ndatabase statistics:");
txn.putBinary(dbi, createBinary("key3"),createBinary(200));
txn.putBinary(dbi, createBinary("mad"), createBinary(300));
txn.putBinary(dbi, createBinary("maad"), createBinary(100));
console.log(txn.getBinary(dbi, createBinary("key3")) ? txn.getBinary(dbi, createBinary("key3")).toString() : null);
console.log(txn.getBinary(dbi, createBinary("mad")) ? txn.getBinary(dbi, createBinary("mad")).toString() : null);
console.log(txn.getBinary(dbi, createBinary("mum")) ? txn.getBinary(dbi, createBinary("mum")).toString() : null);
console.log("Run this example again to see the alterations on the database!");
// Commit transaction
// Close the database
// Close the environment
The python side:
import lmdb
import os
def lmdb_read(database_name, path_lmdb):
_lmdb_env =, subdir=True, max_dbs=10)
db0 = _lmdb_env.open_db(str(database_name).encode())
with _lmdb_env.begin(write=True, db= db0) as txn:
txn.put(b'mum', b'012345678', db=db0)
print("Database dose not exist!!")
return 0
data = lmdb_read("ma",'./database')
@majid1268 I'm really happy you could solve your problem. I'm closing this issue now. If you encounter any more problems please open a different issue.