
missing unit test code coverage

ccarreola opened this issue · 4 comments

Your comment for the unit tests says 82% code coverage. What coverage is missing? What kind of tests are remaining?

Well Private methods for example show as not covered. You could mark them as Internal and then make it a friend assembly to the unit testing project that way you could have access to it but not really sure if that is ok
And there are just a few more branches on some conditions that are't reached.

I don't think there's anything wrong with allowing the test assembly access to internal methods, though if no one wants to do that, you can always execute those methods in the debugger for a layer of manual testing.

👍 Great if you want to help increase code coverage. Just ask for a pull request and make the methods internal to test them :)

Just ran code coverage and it said around 88%. To be honest, I don't think we (or y'all, really, as I have yet to contribute to the project) can get that much better than that. Just my thoughts on it, anyway.