Clicking on Open In New Editor just opens Unity Hub
NonzeroCornet opened this issue · 7 comments
NonzeroCornet commented
DancingAppsDays commented
Yes, this happens to me to on 2021.3.11 on Unity Hub 3.2
MrPatben8 commented
I'm having the exact same issue on 2021.3.18f.
The clone folder is basically empty.
MrPatben8 commented
I did some digging. Does your project happen to be on a external drive or a non NTFS drive? It seems only NTFS drives are required to support the symbolic links that are used for the clones.
NonzeroCornet commented
It is on an external USB yah.
MrPatben8 commented
Yeah, that's the issue. I moved my project to my C drive and it worked just fine. Hope you can get it sorted, good luck.
arkms commented
Is required the drive use NTFS format. (C is always NTFS).
314pies commented