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CSS Qualification

Category Standard
Task: Demonstrate the ability to build a fully responsive website using CSS
Conditions: This GitHub repository is downloaded locally and loaded into vs-code.
Standards: In the PR style, the HTML webpage using CSS with the following:
  • Style three sections so that they are in a row on desktop, two in a row on top and one on bottom on tablet, and all in a single column on mobile
  • Use a media query to style an image to 100% width on mobile and 80% width on desktop
  • Style three buttons in a row with padding, margin, border, and box shadow
  • On button hover transition the background colors of each button
  • Style the page by default is completely hidden. On page load reveal all the content using keyframe animation


  • Create a Pull Request (PR) to this GitHub Repo.
  • Use a naming conventions for CSS class naming (like BEM)
