
FE/BE - Delivery Component

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As a user, I want to see a mobile-sized component with a title and two paragraphs. A dropdown option to select the file type, a download resume button, and a back to #VWC button.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Must have Title.
  • Must have a motivational paragraph.
  • Must have an instructional paragraph explaining how to download their resume.
  • Must have a dropdown to select download type (.pdf, .doc, ...etc).
  • Must have a download resume button.
  • Must have a button/Link back to #VWC Home page.
  • State must be hooked up to the inputs to be passed to the main resume build

Time Investment

  • This ticket is adding the JSX structure and CSS styling to the UI/UX design template. Backend will be ensuring the input from the User is saved to state for the final resume builder. Time estimate 3 hours.

Business Sense

  • This will give the user instructions on how to download their resume in the way they choose.