
FE/BE - Work Experience

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As a user, I want to have the ability to add prior work experience to my resume for review.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Must have label and input for Job Title
  • Must have label and input for Company
  • Must have label and inputs for start/end dates
  • Must display error is fields are left blank
  • Must have checkbox for 'currently working here'
  • Must display error if end date left blank and checkbox not selected
  • Must have label and input(s) for job description

When it comes to job description, we can either have a single text area or can suggest bullet points with multiple input fields. Make a choice and stand behind your decision as well as the reason you chose it.

Time Investment

  • Frontend: 3-4hrs creating the labels, inputs, and error notifications
  • Backend: 2-3hrs creating the add/delete experience capability and mapping inputs to states.

Business Sense

  • The experience portion of the resume builder is key to improving the overall compensation a user may receive when applying to a position. Formatting it in a way aligning to the STAR model will help them to speak to the tasks, actions, and results of their efforts and how that relates to the job they are seeking.