
Feature extraction for CORNet-S

antoniyaaboyanova opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi guys,

I am using your library to extract features from different models including the cornet family. With all of the models my results make sense (RSA with human data) except for CORNet-S. I did a test where I use the model pre-trained vs not and couldn't see a systematic difference in the outcome. It's strange because everything seems to work perfectly well for the features extracted from the other models (i.e. other two cornets, vgg16, alexnet, resnet50). So I wanted to ask if anyone else has had some issues with the CORNet-S features and if you have any suggestions on what could be the problem?

Thanks for getting in touch!
I'm sorry, I didn't understand what problem you were referring to. What's the issue? Being specific is great, as it allows us to check the code and run tests and hopefully identify a problem.

Hi @antoniyaaboyanova ,

I checked our code for the different CORnet versions, and all models, including CORnet-s, correctly pull pretrained state dicts from the official AWS bucket and load their weights from them. This is more or less identical to the official CORnet repository. Model outputs also differ between pretrained and random weight initialization and resulting RDMs for some images I had lying around look significantly different.

For me, this suggests that on our side things should work as intended. Could you maybe post the code you used to do your feature extraction and analyses? Also, what version of thingsvision do you use?


Could this be for some reason related to #46 or is it a mistake on the end of @antoniyaaboyanova? Could you check this @antoniyaaboyanova? Posting the code you've used, as @andropar suggested, would definitely be helpful, and letting us know about your thingsvision version.

@antoniyaaboyanova, you'll have to post the code into the Github issue, I don't think you can attach files when answering by mail! 🙂

Thanks for pointing that out! Sorry about that. I think the best way to show you what I have is by providing you with google colab links:

For the feature extraction:

For the SVM on the features:

The links are set to viewers mode only. Let me know if this is not sufficient.

I think this is not an issue on our end. @andropar, can we close this?

Yes, I think so too.