
I created a cgo shim around wuhoo

japanoise opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi there! I saw a comment from you on Hacker News & got kind of excited about wuhoo. As a cgo learning exercise, I wrote a library to allow writing wuhoo programs in Go: - if you would be willing to link it in the README I'd like that.

I was wondering about the OpenGL renderer; is the intention that the user will provide the context and wuhoo works as a thin wrapper around that? I haven't done OpenGL in a very long time so a lot of it is black magic to me.

Also, on X11, the mandlebrot example (the only one I've ported so far, but it occurs on the C version as well) kind of misbehaves when it's being resized; sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn't re-render. I suspect this is just the window invalidation only occasionally firing?