

h-umus opened this issue · 1 comments


First of all, thanks for sharing this component: it's great!

My question is: this costant (DEF_TABLE_CONTENT_ADDITIONAL_SIZE) specifies an additional size, in pixel, which causes the table to bounce.

We temporarily set it to 0, so there's is no bounce.

Maybe you added this extra width for the column header on the left, but since you can tell the table to hide the column, maybe the component should set automatically DEF_TABLE_CONTENT_ADDITIONAL_SIZE to zero.

What do you think?

Thanks in advance!
Enrico / H-umus

Hi Enrico,

Sorry for delay with reply!
DEF_TABLE_CONTENT_ADDITIONAL_SIZE is default value for _contentAdditionalSize, which is used as additional scrollable content size from right and bottom sides. So user can scroll outside actual table content.

I would prefer to leave default value like it is now, but I've moved contentAdditionalSize property to public interface. You can set it directly during initialisation.

// I was considering to use UIEdgeInsets in place of this param, but didn't find any good use case for this.