
Object-Oriented Programming in Java -Advanced Course

Primary LanguageJava

Java Drone Simulator GUI Project




This repository contains the code and documentation for the Java Drone Simulator GUI project. The purpose of this project is to create a graphical user interface (GUI) that interacts with a drone simulation system through a web-based RESTful API. The project is a group assignment, and each team is expected to develop a fully functional and well-documented program.

Project Guidelines

  • Group Project: The project is a group effort, and each team is responsible for distributing tasks fairly among its members. The use of external assistance or fraudulent activities, such as copying source code without proper referencing, is strictly prohibited and may result in disqualification or legal consequences.

  • Module Examination Constraints:

    • Start Date: December 1st, 2023, 00:01 AM
    • Submission Deadline: February 2nd, 2024, 11:59 PM (via Moodle platform)
    • Team Size: 4-5 team members
    • Topic: Presented project from Section 3
    • Submission Details: A working program as a runnable *.jar file, documentation in PDF format, milestone documents, and signed declaration of authorship.

Project Description

3 Project - Communication Network Analysis

3.1 Java Application with Drone Simulation Interface - Description

This task involves creating a Java application that interacts with a drone simulation system through a web-based RESTful API. The provided drone data includes static data, individual drone information, and real-time dynamic data. The project encompasses API connectivity, a drone dashboard, drone catalog, flight dynamics, and historical analysis.

3.2 Java Application with Drone Simulation Interface - Challenge

The challenge is to craft a sophisticated GUI using Java that seamlessly fetches and presents data from the drone simulator API. The GUI should include essential functionalities such as API connectivity, a drone dashboard, drone catalog, flight dynamics, data refresh, and historical analysis.

3.3 Documentation

Documentation requirements include JavaDoc for public methods, source code documentation/comments, appropriate logging, and an external PDF document with user and technical documentation, UML diagrams, work distribution among team members, and milestone documents.

Submission Requirements

  1. Runnable Program:

    • A working program as a runnable *.jar file.
    • Include all necessary libraries and source code.
    • Zipped project (e.g., Eclipse) with fully functional and configured files.
    • Ensure the program runs at least under Linux with JDK 17.
  2. Documentation:

    • Separate PDF document containing technical details, user documentation, and team member performance declaration.
    • Milestone document submitted every 3 weeks via Moodle.
    • Declaration of authorship signed by each team member.
  3. Presentation:

    • Individual presentations after submission, outlining the team solution and individual contributions.
    • Milestone presentations during exercises.

Declaration of Authorship

Example for a declaration of authorship (“Ehrenwörtliche Erklärung”): I hereby declare that the submitted project is my own unaided work or the unaided work of our team. All direct or indirect sources used are acknowledged as references... [Include full declaration text]

Contact Information

For any inquiries or issues, please contact the course instructor or the designated support channel.

Important Note: Ensure timely and complete submission of all required items to avoid point deductions or disqualification.