
NHS trust - LTLA link

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Great work - your charts are super interesting and informative!

How do you link NHS trusts with LTLAs? Is it a one to one assignment or by proportions? Please could you refer me to the script/resource used for this?



Thanks Adele,

I use an approach developed by Ben Barr at Liverpool, where he uses the % of admissions in previous years to each trust which originated in different LAs. So if in a given trust in pre-COVID years saw 50% of its admissions come from one LTLA and 50% from another, we apportion 50% of the COVID-era admissions to each of those LTLAs.

It's a bit complicated in practice because of NHS trust mergers and the fact that the published admissions and deaths data use slightly different lists of trusts (and the admissions data includes a trust merger in the middle of it).

Simpler code for the deaths data is here from line 50 onwards

And comprehensive code for both admissions and deaths is here from line 464 onwards

Hope that helps.
