
UnboundLocalError of "new_batches" in

ZexueHe opened this issue · 2 comments

I was trying to reproduce the results in your paper by running language modeling with newgpt class, where the codes failed to execute due to the error about new_batches in fairseq/fairseq/data/ Is this function correct?

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'new_batches' referenced before assignment

And can you provide a demo/script on how to run the codes in order to reproduce your results? Thank you in advance! :)

Sorry I notice the newgpt is not the right class here, instead I should use the transformer_lm_sidenet_*.

But still, a demo/script on how to use your codes would be really appreciated!

Thank you so much for your interest in our work. I clean up all unnecessary scripts and files. Also training and evaluation scripts are released just now as demos. I reproduced the whole repo in a new conda environment to ensure that it can run without bugs.