
Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


Project which involved modifying the xv6 Operating System designed by MIT, implementing new system calls, and scheduling algorithms such as first-come-first-serve, priority-based, and multilevel feedback queue algorithms

Specification 1: syscall tracing

  1. Created strace.c in user/, added $U/_strace to UPROGS in Makefile
  2. Added a variable tracemask in struct proc to keep track of what system calls to print by checking the bits in it.
  3. Created a sys_trace() function in kernel/sysproc.c, which assigns the passed value to the tracemask variable of the currently running process.
  4. Modified the fork() function to pass the tracemask value of the parent to the child created.
  5. Added the sys_trace function to the array of function pointers syscalls in kernel/syscall.c.
  6. Added macro SYS_trace macro in kernel/syscall.h, added entry for trace in user/usys.pl, and definition of the syscall in user/user.h.
  7. Created two more arrays syscallnames and syscallargc to store the name of each syscall and to store the number of arguments it takes respectively.
  8. In the function syscall(), we store the first argument before executing the syscall as it's modifies a0 in the trapframe.
  9. After execution we check if the syscall executed is to be tracked. If it is, we print all the necessary info, the pid using p->pid, the syscall name using the syscallnames array, and the arguments in integer form by checking the arg count for the syscall using syscallargc and the values using the argint() function. The return value is stored in a0 after execution of the syscall.

Specification 2: Scheduling

  1. Added support for passing macros when running make. If make qemu SCHEDULER=MLFQ is executed in the shell, then all the files will be compiled with a -D MLFQ flag, hence defining the macro specified in all files. (NOTE: Run make clean before changing the scheduler as the make file doesn't detect that it needs to recompile all files when a macro is changed)
  2. In proc.c, an extern variable schedulingpolicy is defined. a. Round Robin (DEFSCHED) - 0 b. First Come First Serve (FCFS) - 1 c. Priority Based Scheduling (PBS) - 2 d. Multilevel feedback queue (MLFQ) - 3
  3. The value of schedulingpolicy is assigned based on the macro defined. If no macro, or an incorrect macro is passed, the default round robin scheduler will be picked. Else, the corresponding scheduler is picked.
  4. To support various scheduling policies, the structure of the scheduler() function was changed. In the infinite loop, the value of schedulingpolicy decides which policy to be used. Each scheduling policy is implemented as a separate function, hence initially the default scheduler was made into a function that is called when schedulingpolicy = 1.
  5. A function runprocess() was created to reduce the code that needs to be rewritten, as we have to run a process in all 4 scheduling policy functions.

First Come First Served (FCFS)

  1. To compare which process was created first, we store a value createtime in struct proc. In allocproc(), the variable is set to the current value of ticks.
  2. A function fcfssched() that is called by scheduler() is defined. It goes through all the RUNNABLE processes in the process array, and selects the process that has the lowest createtime value (created the earliest), and then runs the process.
  3. As FCFS is non-preemptive, we go to usertrap() and kerneltrap() in the kernel/trap.c file, and change the lines which check if which_dev == 2 to yield, as this line checks if it's a clock interrupt, and if yes, it must yield. Instead, we only yield or check if we need to yield if the scheduling policies are default or MLFQ, else we make no attempt at yielding on a timer interrupt.

Priority Based Scheduler (PBS)

  1. Created a variable staticpriority in struct proc. Is given a default value 60 in the allocproc() function, but can be changed by setpriority().
  2. Created variables runningticks and sleepingticks in struct proc to keep track of the total ticks ran and the total ticks for which it was sleeping since it was last scheduled.
  3. Created a function updatetime that updates the values of runningticks and sleepingticks
  4. Created a variable schedulecount in struct proc to keep track of how many times a process was scheduled, and is updated every time it's scheduled. Given a default value 0 in allocproc()
  5. Implemented a function dynamicpriority() that takes struct proc* and returns the dynamic priority of that process. Uses a default niceness value 5 if total ticks is 0, else it calculates the niceness according to the formula given, and calculates the dynamic priority as well and returns it.
  6. Created a function pbssched() that schedules processes according to priority.
  7. Similar to FCFS, it goes through every process in the process array to find the best process to schedule according to the policy.
  8. Due to slight complexity of comparing processes (due to multiple tiebreakers), a function pbsswap() was implemented to compare the processes first on dynamic priority(lower is better), if equal then compare the number of times scheduled(lower is better), if again equal then compare the time it was created (lower is better). If we are supposed to select this process over the current best, pbsswap will return 1, else 0.
  9. Using the value returned by pbsswap, we iterate through the entire array and pick the best process that is RUNNABLE, and run the process.
  10. The scheduler is non-preemptive, so we've disabled the timer interrupt yielding the exact same way as FCFS.

setpriority syscall

  1. A new syscall is created called sys_set_priority
  2. Created setpriority.c in user/, added $U/_strace to UPROGS in Makefile
  3. Created a function changepriority() in kernel/proc.c that changes the static priority of a given process to the value mentioned. Resets the niceness to 5 by setting the runningticks and sleepingticks to 0. If the dynamic priority is lower in value (higher in priority), then we yield the process to reschedule.
  4. Created a sys_set_priority() function in kernel/sysproc.c, that calls the changepriority() function to change the static priority of the process given.
  5. Added the sys_set_priority function to the array of function pointers syscalls in kernel/syscall.c.
  6. Added macro SYS_set_priority macro in kernel/syscall.h, added entry for set_priority in user/usys.pl, and definition of the syscall in user/user.h.

Multilevel Feedback Queue (MLFQ)

  1. Defined macros QCOUNT and QSIZE to represent the number of priority queues and the size of each queue.
  2. Created an enum queued, and a variable queuestate in struct proc to store whether the process is in a queue in MLFQ or not.
  3. Created variables queuelevel, queueruntime, queueentertime in struct proc to keep track of the process, and initialize all to 0 in allocproc().
  4. Created a struct Queue which implements a circular queue of size QSIZE each, and stores a front and back variables to store the front and back of the queue.
  5. Created a file queue.c to implement queue-related functions such as push(), pop(), remove(), empty(). push() pushes a process onto the specified queue and changes it's state to QUEUED, pop() returns the next process in queue and pops it from the queue as well as changing the state to NOTQUEUED. remove() removes the process specified from the queue specified, and makes it NOTQUEUED. empty() returns whether the specified queue is empty or not.
  6. Created an array of queues of size QCOUNT to store the queued processes in MLFQ.
  7. Create a function queuetableinit() to initialize all structs of the queuetable when starting the xv6.
  8. Implemented mlfqshed() to schedule processes according to MLFQ policy.
  9. The function goes through all the processes in the process array and inserts them into the respective queues if they are RUNNABLE, but NOTQUEUED.
  10. Goes through the queuetable to find the process with the lowes priority value, and the first one among them. It picks this process as the next process to run.
  11. In kernel/trap.c, we only want to preempt the running process if the running time has exceeded p->queuelevel. If we need to preempt it, we decrease the priority (by increasing queue level value)
  12. To prevent aging, a function ageprocesses is implemented to check the queueentertime of every process every time mlfqsched is called, to check if any process has been waiting for more than AGE ticks (which has been set to 64). if so, the priority of that process is increased (decreasing queue level).
  13. To preempt processes when a higher priority process is added to the queue, a function getpreempt() checks if the levels above the current processes queuelevel are empty. If any one of them isn't, then we yield in the usertrap and kerneltrap functions on a timer interrupt.

Possible exploitation of implemented scheduling algorithm

As per the instructions, if a process voluntarily relinquishes control of the CPU before it's time slice is over, on returning the process enters the same queue instead of downgrading in priority.

While this might be logical, and should work for a great percentage of time, there may be people who could be aware of this policy's design, and attempt to exploit it so that their processes get more priority than others, hence getting an unfair share of processing power.

A person who knows how long the time slice is in each priority level, can design a process such that just before the time slice is about to expire, it can ask for a very small I/O request, hence relinquishing itself from the CPU, and rejoining the same priority level very quickly. Hence, it ends up avoiding the downgrade in priority level. Therefore the process can continue to be in the same priority level, taking most of the processor time by this.

For example, say the first priority level has a time slice of 4 ticks. A process can be designed to run for 3 ticks, and then make an I/O request, such as requesting 1 byte from the disk. Hence, the I/O request will be satisfied quickly and it'll be put into the same queue at the end, avoiding the downgrade, and maintaining it's high priority.

One way to counterract this is to not reset the time slice, hence if the process has used 3 ticks, after the I/O request it'll only have one tick left in the priority queue before priority downgrade.

Specification 3: procdump

  1. procdump just requires a few more variables in struct proc to have all the necessary details to display.
  2. Variables like totalruntime were implemented to keep track of the total time it has run since its existence.
  3. pid, state are displayed using the existing variables in struct proc
  4. rtime is derived from totalruntime, and wtime is derived from the current tick, the create time and the total run time.
  5. nrun is from the schedulecount variable.
  6. For q0, q1, q2, q3, q4 an array was implemented for every process to keep track of the time spent in each queue, and was updated with every clock interrupt through updatetime().


The waitx and schedulertest implementation was used to test the performance of the various scheduling policies implemented.

Policy Average run time Average wait time
Default 18 119
FCFS 64 94
PBS 38 108
MLFQ 28 203

The Default, FCFS, PBS policies were run on 3 CPUs, while the MLFQ policy was run on 1 CPU.