
[FRONTEND] TS Migration

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hn275 commented

[FRONTEND] TS Migration

Quick note

  • I've started putting some TS code in the frontend and a challenge I was facing is that we (I) haven't been enforcing a pattern as to how we structure the directories, so things are a bit chaotic in the components dir.

  • Going forward, we should think of how this component is used before placing it.

    An example:

    • If it's only going to be used at a specific page, say index we would put
      that component in ./src/components/page_index, a classic example would be the GroupInfo component.
    • If it's being used everywhere in the app, we should be putting it in the ./src/components/common dir, an example would be the Container component.


    ├── components
    │   ├── common
    │   │   ├── Container.tsx
    │   │   ├── index.ts
    │   │   ├── MuiIcon.tsx
    │   │   └── Spinner.tsx
    │   ├── page_availability
    │   │   ├── index.ts
    │   │   └── LeftContainerIcon.tsx
    │   ├── page_groupID
    │   │   ├── index.ts
    │   │   ├── Menu.tsx
    │   │   └── RightContainerIcon.tsx
    │   ├── page_index
    │   │   ├── DropdownMenu.tsx
    │   │   ├── GroupInfo.tsx
    │   │   ├── Icons.tsx
    │   │   ├── index.ts
    │   │   ├── LandingBanner.tsx
    │   │   ├── PrivateGroupInfo.tsx
    │   │   └── TimeSlots.tsx
    └── pages
        ├── auth
        │   └── [groupID].tsx
        ├── [groupID]
        │   ├── availability
        │   │   └── [weekOf].tsx
        │   ├── index.tsx
        │   └── settings.tsx
        ├── index.ts
        └── tools
            ├── findGroup.tsx
            └── recentGroups.tsx
  • When you are refactoring, check in to your designated branch (or create one if I didn't), the branch name pattern is {name}/ts-migration, (ie: hal/ts-migration), hit that convert to issue button and self-asigned, so we don't overlap!

  • When creating a PR, the base branch that you are merging in is not main, but base/ts-migration, once everything looks good, Ben and I will make sure it should be working as expected before merging into main, then build to prod!

To be refactored


  • Availability
  • AvailabilityCalendar
  • #101
  • GroupBanner
  • GroupCalendar
  • GroupHome
  • IntroToolTip
  • Settings
  • Tools


  • {groupID}
    • Availability
      • {weekOf}
    • index
    • settings
  • auth
  • tools
    • findGroup
    • recentGroups
  • index