
Crash with v1.1.0

Closed this issue · 13 comments

There is a crash on startup. Based on the log it is an issue with Morph/Morph Additions ( If it was just Morph Additions I would not have a problem removing it but I don't want to remove Morph. It only happens when I add this mod.
With MorphAdditions:
With just Morph:
If you want I can also add a list of mods I have.

If you remove Morph does the crash no longer occur?

No, it still crashes this time with SpecialMobs.

does it occur if you remove specialmobs? I think its just a coincidence that these mods are crashing with it. i doubt they are the actual conflicting mod.

Now it looks like it saying OpenBlocks.

I just removed OpenBlocks and with all of the other mods still removed it starts.

OK its midnight where I am so I'll look into it tomorrow when I wake up.

Ok that is fine, thank you for looking at this, I would like to be able to use this mod and still use the other ones.

I have put OpenBlocks, Morph, and Morph Additions in with sprinkles_for_vanilla and no such crash occurs. Are you able to send me your config?

I believe that crash is one i just came to post about. Its a conflict with Code Chicken Core, if you have environmentallyFriendlyCreepers=true in its configs. This happens even with sprinkles' config set to not do anything for mob griefing settings. Change it to false (default) and its fine, can use sprinkles' mob griefing settings instead.

Thank you, I think I know how to fix it. :)

Can you try downloading this (both of you) and see if this resolves the issue?!f5EllBaJ!Gb5K1E8RrB3en009GfZm4kqXjBCZ_r0QBPB_bRgo93s

If it works, I'll push it as a proper release

Thank you, that works, I did not even think to try that.

Thanks for helping out, it's now a proper release on curseforge