
Feature suggestion

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Could you add a "disable particle effect per mob type" function? It would really help with morphing into blazes and like mobs.
You might want to even consider disable particle effect if x mob is player. Or something like that. Though I don't know if that's possible. It'll depend on what parts of a mob code morph copies.

Sadly Morph does some interesting stuff and doesn't do what vanilla does so if I add it, it wouldnt be a vanilla config but a morph config. However I have added in the latest update the ability to disable particles emitted from your own player entity while still rendering everyone else's particles. I still need to test it with Morph because it may work but I doubt it.

But yeah Morph doesnt just turn you into say EntityBlaze it keeps you as an EntityPlayer and changes your model to that of a blaze however he spawns particles in his own class. So yeah the disable particle effect per mob type won't have the effect you desire with Morph.