
Set Back Camera by Default

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Is there a way to set Back Cam by default?
Also is there a way to set the camera to fullscreen height? It doesn't work for me :(

@DespertaWeb i don't think it's something that will be set by default. we can though pass in constraints to the object.

Is it possible to open/set the back camera by default? @VinceG @DespertaWeb

Despite I still thing that should be a must, apparently I don't think so. :(

Here is how to open the back camera by default (tested on iPhone only):

  <v-container fluid>

<script lang="ts">
  import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
  import { WebCam } from '@nickfan/vue-web-cam';

    components: {
      'vue-web-cam': WebCam,
  export default class MyCamera extends Vue {
    private cameras = null;

    get deviceId() {
      const cameras: { deviceId: string, label: string }[] = this.cameras || [];
      let rval = '';
      if (cameras.length > 0) {
        // try to identify the back camera
        for (const { deviceId, label } of cameras) {
          if (label.toLowerCase().includes('back')) {
            rval = deviceId;
        if (!rval.length) {
          // otherwise just pick the first one
          rval = cameras[0].deviceId;
      console.log('deviceId() cameras:', cameras, 'rval:', rval);
      return rval;

    public onCameras(cameras) {
      console.log('onCameras() cameras:', cameras);
      this.cameras = cameras;


@abrichr could you please test it on other android phones, it would be amazing!