
use DT_CALCRECT in func DrawTextEx2, the text will be drawed

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I think DT_CALCRECT maybe only calculate the rect for the string. But in DrawTextEx2, the text will be drawed.

Really? Please show me the code.

if button dwStyle add BS_CENTER.
in paint_content_focus

/*draw focus frame*/
    focus_rc = *prc_cont;

    if (!BUTTON_IS_PUSHBTN(pctrl) && 
        !(pctrl->dwStyle & BS_PUSHLIKE) && 
        dt_fmt |= DT_CALCRECT;
        DrawText (hdc, pctrl->spCaption, -1, &focus_rc, dt_fmt);

    if (!is_get_fg)
        fg_color = GetWindowElementAttr((HWND)pctrl, WE_FGC_THREED_BODY);
    win_rdr->draw_focus_frame(hdc, &focus_rc, fg_color);

Calculate text size format will add DT_CENTER

And in DrawTextEx2

If style have DT_CENTER, ctxt.only_extent = FALSE in while loop. And the text will be draw again.

This is a bug and have fixed.