Statistical Learning Course Repository

Official repository for the Statistical Learning course for the Master's degree at the University of Bergamo. All the algorithms are implemented in R programming language


List of all the course algorithms:

  • 1 - Leave-one-out validation with polynomial/linear regression
  • 2 - Cross-validation (kfold) with polynomial/linear regression
  • 3 - Bootstrap with polynomial/linear regression
  • 4 - Forward stepwise with linear regression
  • 5 - Backward stepwise with linear regression
  • 6 - Lasso regression with CV for choosing the best lambda
  • 7 - Ridge regression with CV for choosing the best lambda
  • 8 - GAM with smoothing splines
  • 9 - GAM with local regression
  • 10 - Regression tree
  • 11 - Random forest
  • 12 - Boosting
  • 13 - Bagging (optional)