
Incorrect parsing of quotes in strings

gaverhae opened this issue · 2 comments

(venia.core/graphql-query {:venia/queries [[:q {:arg "he\"llo"} [:prop]]]})
;=> "{q(arg:\"he\"llo\"){prop}}"

I would expect the literal quote in the string to be escaped. The return value in this case is not a valid GraphQL query.

I'm not familiar enough with the GraphQL spec to know if there are other characters that need to be escaped.

If it's any help, in my case I've solved it with:

(ns ...
  (:require [clojure.walk :as walk]
            [clojure.string :as string]
            [venia.core :as v]))

;; [...]

(defn ->queries [& queries]
  (let [sanitized-queries (walk/postwalk (fn [v] (if (string? v)
                                                   (string/escape v {\" "\\\""})
    (v/graphql-query {:venia/queries sanitized-queries})))

I ran into this also. PR #31 addresses this.