
No support for field parameters beyond the root level

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This works as expected with params :id and :active passed to :employee:

(venia.core/graphql-query {:venia/queries [[:employee {:id 1 :active true} [:name :address [:friends [:name :email]]]]]})

However, if one tries to add parameters to fields in the lower levels (i.e. :preferNickname below), Venia breaks:

(venia.core/graphql-query {:venia/queries [[:employee {:id 1 :active true} [:name {:preferNickname 1} :address [:friends [:name :email]]]]]})

Wegi commented

I also encountered this error. It always appears, when the field parameters are not used at the top or most bottom level.

This is the error encountered: UnsupportedOperationException nth not supported on this type: Keyword clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom

Thanks, i will start working on fix some time soon! And sorry for delay, had a great 7-week vacation 😄

Will be added to 0.2.3 release

This is still a problem. I'll create a new issue