
will heading add support for multi headers?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I got a bit problem:
maybe there's more #sub in file, so we need #B#sub to goto what we exactly want.
will format like obsidian://advanced-uri?vault=<your-vault>&filepath=my-file&heading=B#subl be supported?

Best Regards!!

One trick I've got is to set up unique comments in front of my non-unique sub-headings. In my weekly file, I use the same headings for each day, but I preface it with the date in a comment. So instead of just "Notes" I've got %%20230201%%Notes. Obsidian Advanced URI sees it as "20230201 Notes". Meanwhile, I've got a CSS snippet that hides comments in live preview unless I'm editing that line, so I just see it as "Notes".

/* Hide comments except on active line */
.cm-active .cm-comment {
  display: inline;

.cm-comment {
  display: none;

/* Hide block ids except on active line */
.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6 .cm-active {
  display: inline-block;

.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6 {
  display: none;

I want to open obsidian with focused title.
if I added comments text, I will not know what I added at the front.

Thanks for your skill and css codes!!
It's very useful on some other cases.

@hyaray Basic navigation is already possible, but you have to encode the # to %2523. What's not supported yet is to set the cursor below it.