- 0
Expo ReactViro - ios app crashing whenever position is added to reactvision/react-viro component
#314 opened by HaugaardThomas - 6
- 7
TypeError: Cannot read property 'setJSMaterials' of null on Android using Expo
#282 opened by ManuSense - 12
cant use startVideoRecording on Android 13
#303 opened by saadxprt - 0
ViroSpinner Component Causes Crash on Android 9
#313 opened by purevsurena - 4
- 1
- 1
Crash on simulator, any workaround?
#310 opened by tedcu - 0
- 0
Cant use takeScreenshot (Android 13 or later)
#309 opened by vueDev-k - 0
Can't build Viro locally
#308 opened by thedentist89 - 12
Expo app crashes / shuts down when opening a ViroARScene with Viro3DObject (Expo SDK 51)
#298 opened by jordyortega - 0
- 7
Crash on Android due to fresco class not found
#290 opened by andresteves - 0
Error while updating property 'height' in shadow node of type: VRTVideoSurface
#302 opened by LimitedDani - 3
Application breaks when opening specific glb file
#274 opened by Wildanzr - 0
Support for Meta Quest 3
#301 opened by sujathasperi2022 - 0
on iOS viroImage onClick don't use the viroscene top position but always the top of the screen.
#300 opened by Turtleted21 - 0
How to extract video stream?
#299 opened by arpitmishra600 - 11
onClick prop does not work
#272 opened by CacdiWilsonHsu - 4
Android: crash when adding a camera to a 3D scene
#292 opened by ivanoikon - 4
ViroVideo and ViroSound not working
#287 opened by Bilin-David - 2
cant use startVideoRecording on Android 13
#284 opened by saadxprt - 6
Does Viro uses the latest ARCore SDK?
#265 opened by Arunkumarvallal - 1
- 2
- 1
- 1
Video doesn't stop on most of iPhone/iOS versions when AR scene is unmounted causing memory leaks
#286 opened by Buthrakaur - 2
onTouch event is not working
#281 opened by yauhenicharniauski - 1
Expo plugin is not working with monorepo
#280 opened by Deegiimurun - 2
Touch an element with viro react
#278 opened by lvothnrv - 1
Remove unnecessary logging
#275 opened by robertjcolley - 2
- 13
cannot read property 'VIRO_VERSION' of undefined
#267 opened by laurensius - 1
Panning the phone makes model disappear
#271 opened by oliuradu - 9
App crashes when ViroImage tries to load an image.
#257 opened by Avtrkrb - 3
- 2
- 2
- 2
Android 13 not able to take screenshot
#254 opened by andre-sonect - 2
Android ViroARTrackingTargets.createTargets crash
#245 opened by utiq - 0
GLB Model Not Displaying on Screen
#240 opened by koolll - 1
Unimplemented component: <VRTARSceneNavigator>
#244 opened by utiq - 3
Which starter kit to use?
#252 opened by victorbstan - 2
- 4
- 1
New React Native Infrastructure
#250 opened by linear - 1
Create test infrastructure for Expo SDK versions #136
#251 opened by linear - 3
Vision Pro support?
#253 opened by derwaldgeist - 6
Works with EAS build ?
#239 opened by LouisSyfer