
Let people vote and discuss on future topics

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Do we keep sessionize now or do we need a new platform and integrate it?

Honestly, I am a little bit confused with how sessionize works. Let's use something else

Yes I know @Max-Git is looking at upvoty as we speak. Do you have any ideas yourself @carousel ?

@Baasie here's how I see this - the voting system represents randomizing of the topics. For a complex area like DDD, we should have a different way to select our future discussions. Something that will have structure and quality but at the same time stay open to the public and ideas. My suggestion is to use Slack (or something similar) and during a week briefly discuss and select suggested topics.
This way, everybody will have a chance to suggest his favorite areas of interest, he/she will become a visible part of the VDDD community, topics will be saved for later, and topics will naturally emerge from the flow of ideas.

The problem is, we have slack in place but the VirtualDDD channel is dead (AKA not working). Nobody is using it.
What we have in mind is a list of possible sessions/topics/guests with the current state (like proposed, chosen, planned). This list would give people the possibility to plan for the future or add new topics/guests. At the same time would also offer a possibility to vote so that we can get the "pulse". It would not lead to not having some sessions if we consider them interesting but we could offer and get some direct feedback (which we miss at the moment)

Maybe you have an idea about how to get the slack-communication working?

It is weird that slack is not working. Can you give me more details? Maybe you had some kind of payment plan and it expired? Usually slack is free and only advanced features are paid. I was mentioning slack since it is mostly up for many of us during the whole workday, and it has nice features for collaboration (channels, voting, history, comments...). We can be up-to-date with new messages and topics and vote and discuss if we want. Really many projects are choosing slack as a communication channel.

On the other hand, if nobody is using VDDD slack channel then we should market it as a defacto communication hub for VDDD and invite people to join. I am not trying to promote slack, I am just suggesting a good tool for the job ;)


๐Ÿ˜† I meant the communication is not working. People do not use it, do not ask questions or propose sessions. I didn't take it as a promotion, no worry, I think slack is a very helpful tool.

Then let's market it and work on promotion. Can you share VDDD slack channel, please...

This is the link to the slack-community, people should join the channel virtualDDD (I have no possibility to create a link for that)

The problem with these links is that they expire (this expires in 6 days ๐Ÿ˜ž ) Somebody has already started to work on a better wy to join slack, but he is not done yet.

The slack/twitter/meetup links are also on the virtualddd homepage. We just added the logos to the buttons to make them more prominent.

I replaced the last link to sessionize (but as a sponsor) with the new Voting/Proposing link. I close this issue now.