Incorrect graphql field
Malarkey-Jhu opened this issue · 10 comments
I follow the readme and download the latest version of plugin which is 4.5.5.
However, there is no findAllInHierarchy in graphql query and all other fields slisted in the readme. e.g. createComment. Instead there are fields like commentsComment(id: ID): CommentsCommentEntityResponse
And also, the plugin creates table like this: comments_comment, comments_comment-report. Which is a little bit wired, not sure if it is correct.
strapi-version: 4.5.4
strapi-plugin-comments: 4.5.5
Also, how can I uninstall this plugin fully. Right now, I run yarn remove strapi-plugin-comments and manully delete the tables in db. Yet, I realize there are some places that need to be cleaned as well such as strapi_database_schema
in plugin.js file
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
comments: {
enabled: true,
config: {
moderatorRoles: [],
badWords: true,
enabledCollections: [ 'api::article.article' ],
approvalFlow: [],
entryLabel: {
'api::article.article': [ 'Title' ]
reportReasons: {
graphql: {
enabled: true,
Hello @Malarkey-Jhu ,
That seems plugin GQL hasn't been initialised properly for you. Please check if you've got such entry in the GQL schema:
createComment(input: CreateComment!): CommentSingle!
If yes, than all is fine. If not, please provide more detailed info about env and your Strapi config.
In terms of DB tables, that's something created automatically by Strapi itself based on entities definitions. Not something we control, as well as during the uninstall
Closing as outdated.
I'm having the same issue, strapi 4.9, strapi-plugin-comments 2.2.9
@thekeels I assume you've provided definition for comments plugin before graphql in the plugins.js
@cyp3rius No, the way I read the documentation it sounded like for 2.0.3 and newer you can just use the GUI to configure the settings, without doing anything to the plugins.js file.
Check this from readme as well:
Its not about plugin config but enabling comments before graphql. Plugin configuration you can do in GUI and this is recommended.
Thanks, that was the problem. I didn't have graphql or comments defined in my plugins.js file.
Thats what I thought. Nasty nasty but working solution to enforce init order.