
Future: pandas team to provide pandas-stubs

Dr-Irv opened this issue · 5 comments

The pandas team has taken the work done here and the work done by Microsoft at and have created a new project that will eventually become the official pandas stubs supported by the pandas core team.

We anticipate creating a release on pypi and conda by the end of June, 2022.

A big thank you to the owners and maintainers of this project for creating a testing environment and working with the pandas core team to make this happen.

That's incredible! Are you guys will support just the newer versions or the older versions too?

That's incredible! Are you guys will support just the newer versions or the older versions too?

By "you guys", I think you mean the pandas core team. If so, we still have to figure out a support policy with respect to old/new versions, but most likely the first release will support only the latest version of pandas (currently 1.4.2). We will also have version numbers of the stubs, so, for example, if we release a stubs version compatible with 1.4.2, and then a pandas release of 1.5, and then new stubs for pandas 1.5 support, you could grab a version of the stubs that was compatible with 1.4.2 and a version compatible with 1.5 by referring to the appropriate pandas-stubs versions.

Hope that helps.

I see ... I was asking because i thought you are gonna support just newest pandas version. So I thought, well ... we still can continue working to support the older versions here. But if the official stubs is gonna support different versions we can contribuite to the official project, am i right?

I see ... I was asking because i thought you are gonna support just newest pandas version. So I thought, well ... we still can continue working to support the older versions here. But if the official stubs is gonna support different versions we can contribuite to the official project, am i right?

Yes, please make contributions to the official project! I'm not sure if we will do anything to support older versions of pandas.

Please consider this PR: #175