
ChangePasswordMenuItem should not appear for Trusted Provider

Opened this issue · 2 comments

My web application allows users to authenticate with FBA as well as ADFS. When logged in with an FBA user, I see the quotChange Passwordquot menu item in the Personal Actions menu as expected. When logged in as an ADFS user, I still see quotChange
Passwordquot but didn't expect to.

In ChangePasswordMenuItem.cs, it checks for the type of issuer and only returns early if the type is quotWindowsquot. Perhaps it would be better to return if the type is NOT quotFormsquot.

Thanks for the submission! I'll include it in the next release.

I've made the following change to ChangePasswordMenuItem.cs in my environment and it seems to work now as expected with Forms, ADFS (TrustedProvider) and Windows.

Line 25 of ChangePasswordMenuItem.cs:

if (SPOriginalIssuers.GetIssuerType(sPClaim.OriginalIssuer) == SPOriginalIssuerType.Windows)
if (SPOriginalIssuers.GetIssuerType(sPClaim.OriginalIssuer) != SPOriginalIssuerType.Forms)
Sorry I'm not sure how to submit a Pull Request on CodePlex.