
Large JSON files

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Is there a limit to the size of the JSON file that can be uploaded to WebVOWL? I tried uploading a file of 160MB, is that too large?

is this a 160MB ontology?
web UI suggests a max of 5MB for uploads

Yes. I used OWL2VOWL to produce the JSON file from an OWL file produced by from the SNOMED CT RF2 file format.

SNOMED CT has approximately 350,000 terms.

Yes, there is a limit to the file size but only in the public version of WebVOWL (owl2vowl)

Since you already have the JSON file, you can use a local instance of WebVOWL that does not have this file size restriction (

However, due to the size and number of elements you might have some performance problems.

Kind Regards,

I have a 135kb file, that has the following stats. The file loads but the UI is extremely slow to process at Scale level "0" when data type and object properties are both shown. Is there a workaround to speed things up?

Classes: 320
Object prop.: 420
Datatype prop.: 2257
Individuals: 0
Nodes: 2577
Edges: 2793

The reference json is available here:
@vitalis-wiens , it seems like the redraw and animate take a quite a lot of time to complete. Is there any way to mitigate?

any thoughts or updates?