
Error when loading stand-alone WebVOWL

Closed this issue · 3 comments

dbarj commented

The error at #151 and #153 are back. I've tested and (from github release and also compiling it) and I can't load the index pages on both Firefox and Chrome running in MacOS:

  • Firefox - 68.0.1 (64-bit)
  • Chrome - Version 75.0.3770.142 (Official Build) (64-bit)

However, it is loading on Chrome when CORS is disabled and in Firefox changing security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false.

Errors are:

SecurityError: The operation is insecure. findCSS_Index file:///Users/rodrigo.jorge/Desktop/oci360/WebVOWL-1.1.5/deploy/js/ exports file:///Users/rodrigo.jorge/Desktop/oci360/WebVOWL-1.1.5/deploy/js/ exports file:///Users/rodrigo.jorge/Desktop/oci360/WebVOWL-1.1.5/deploy/js/ <anonymous> file:///Users/rodrigo.jorge/Desktop/oci360/WebVOWL-1.1.5/deploy/index.html:507

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules at findCSS_Index (file:///Users/rodrigo.jorge/Desktop/oci360/WebVOWL-1.1.5/deploy/js/ at (file:///Users/rodrigo.jorge/Desktop/oci360/WebVOWL-1.1.5/deploy/js/ at [as app] (file:///Users/rodrigo.jorge/Desktop/oci360/WebVOWL-1.1.5/deploy/js/ at file:///Users/rodrigo.jorge/Desktop/oci360/WebVOWL-1.1.5/deploy/index.html:507:33

Hi thanks for the notification!

I checked my Firefox version and the security settings
(Using Linux Mint, Firefox 68.0.1 (64bit) and having the security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy = true )

Mysteriously it is working,

I will try to find an other way to handle the warning messages.


Any updates on this issue? I am currently unable to view any of the visualizations I create :(
Errors on Chrome and Firefox are the same as above

Just updated the code, and tested it with the newest Firefox and chrome versions

@dgarijo let me know if there is anything else you need
(Auto-loading the json files will not work out of the box, since CORS)
but you can now drag and drop files into the viewport of the graph area.

Cheers Vitalis