
Wrong prefixes when export to TTL

Opened this issue · 1 comments

When I download an ontology from the system, it creates two prefix entries for oboe-core:
@prefix oboe-core: <> .
@prefix : <> .

  • It is not clear why OBOE is needed and inserted into the export. It comes with any export even FOAF!
  • The second prefix that comes with a default prefix : overrides the default prefix for the actual base IRI of the ontology. So, if, for example, I create a simple ontology on WebVOWL, export it, add :Experiment rdf:type owl:Class ., and upload it again, the class Experiment will be shown with oboe-core prefix.

@javadch I exported all the ontologies to .ttl files. For me I am not getting this error.
Can you elaborate on the issue?