
[Question] Activation function used in EfficientNet Backbone

goutambhat opened this issue · 4 comments

Can you please tell me the activation function used in the EfficientNet Backbone, i could not find any activation function being used.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

If any activation function is being used, can you point me the piece of code.


In the backbone network swish activation function is being used. Please have a look at the following links: link1 and link2.

When i do a print of network, i could not see any activation layer being printed.
So swish activation is used only for SE layer not for any other Conv layer?

If you print a network, it only shows the layers that are initialized in the init function. You must debug the code in order to know about all of the layers that are being used. You may also inspect the network graph using Netron. I personally recommend the second method for your use case.

Thanks a lot for your suggestions and very quick support. I will debug the code and also visualize the network using Netron.