
This is a training app

Primary LanguageJava


This is a training app

In this application implemented:

  • Work with BottomNavigationBar
  • Requests to the server
  • Authorization on medium.com
  • Pagination
  • Written its own library - task scheduler in different threads
  • Work with the Room database
  • LiveData component is used
  • Editing images from the gallery or from the camera
  • Save screen state

List of used libraries:

  • Support Library (with constraint layout)
  • Moxy - MVP + saving the screen state
  • OkHttp
  • Retrofit
  • Glide - for download images
  • Android Annotations Framework - for reducing the amount of code and simple binding to views
  • Сicerone - for easy navigation of fragments
  • Bottom Navigation Bar
  • Android Architecture Components - LiveData and Room database
  • Dagger 2