
The notes below the figure do not show up

varshilmehta opened this issue · 10 comments

<fig id="fig1">
<object-id pub-id-type="doi"/>
<label>Figure 1</label>
<title>Magnetic resonance imaging brain.</title>
<p>*Bilateral symmetric T2 (a) and FLAIR (b) hyperintense signal (red arrow) noted in parietooccipital region. Bilateral symmetric T2 (c) and FLAIR (d) hyperintense signal (red arrowhead) noted in the bilateral frontal (predominantly watershed) regions. Subtle T2 (e) and FLAIR (f) hyperintensities (yellow arrow) also noted in the bilateral cerebellum)</p>
<graphic xlink:href="fig1.jpg"/>

Here the notes

do not show below the figure

The figure.tpl from template/frontend/parser should render that.

        {if $sectContent->getContent()}
            <figcaption class="notes">
                {foreach from=$sectContent->getContent() item=notes}
                    {foreach from=$notes->getContent() item=note}
                            {foreach from=$note->getContent() item=noteText}

I know, but it doesnt work. Dont know why!

When I saw through view elements, only this was seen.

<figure class="figure" id="fig1">
                            Figure 1. 
                                            Magnetic resonance imaging brain.

                                                                <img src="" class="figure-img img-fluid rounded">

However, it is working in tables.
I also went through few journals which work om OldGregg, Was not able to see any figure which had caption below it. It may be that they dont have captions or may be due to a fault in OldGregg. Please check. I feel its the latter one.

@anupent Can you have a look in your journal and see if the captions are working or not, since you also use OldGregg.

Hi @varshilmehta ,
We do not have footnote for any figures so far.

@Vitaliy-1 Could you please confirm whether it is working in OldGregg, so that I can come to know what is actually the problem. I am trying other things till then to see if I had done mistake while modifying the codes. Thanks.

I have noticed one thing, if the image doesnt show up, the caption shows up.

It was fixed for the JATS Parser 2.0, and I'll update it in the next Old Gregg theme release. I hope that will finish it at the end of the next week but not sure.

Good morning @Vitaliy-1 is your intention to modify only the jatsParser directory?.
And are you thinking to add more reference->types?
I have started to create the different templates for the APA styling, and I have implemented in my child template. When I finish checking I'll show you. About new reference->types, at least in my field it is very common the 'report' type