
How to show current issue with articles on homepage

luchosoto opened this issue · 1 comments

This theme has worked very well, however I need to display the current issue with its related articles, just like the original theme does.

I tried pasting the piece of code from the default indexJournal.tpl into the oldGregg one:

	{* Latest issue *}
	{if $issue}
		<div class="current_issue">
				{translate key="journal.currentIssue"}
			<div class="current_issue_title">
			{include file="frontend/objects/issue_toc.tpl"}
			<a href="{url router=$smarty.const.ROUTE_PAGE page="issue" op="archive"}" class="read_more">
				{translate key="journal.viewAllIssues"}

It shows the issue name, date and description, but fails to show its articles, and throws a PHP error:

PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type PublishedArticle as array in /home/revistaestudiosh/public_html/ojs/cache/t_compile/6267f877acd9b945f8a07db7bb24329a969a952a^%%DD^DDF^DDF03D78%%issue_toc.tpl.php on line 87

I also tried using the piece of code from issue.tpl:

			{* Display an issue with the Table of Contents *}
				{include file="frontend/components/breadcrumbs_issue.tpl" currentTitle=$issueIdentification}
			{* Display a message if no current issue exists *}
			{if !$issue}
				{include file="frontend/components/notification.tpl" type="warning" messageKey="current.noCurrentIssueDesc"}

			{* Display an issue with the Table of Contents *}
				{include file="frontend/objects/issue_toc.tpl"}

And I get the same results and PHP error as mentioned above.

I also cleared template cache to no avail.

I'm stuck on this one because of my limited PHP knowledge.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

Hi @luchosoto,

In the new concept of Old Gregg the latest articles and most viewed will be shown on the journal's homepage.