
what about handling CPF if zero at left?

sibelius opened this issue · 5 comments





isCPF says this is an invalid CPF

failing test here #43

my current workaround

import { isCPF } from 'brazilian-values';

 * Pattern to match formatted CPF (999.999.999-99) or 11 numbers.
export const CPF_PATTERN = /^(\d{11}|\d{3}\.\d{3}\.\d{3}\-\d{2})$/;

const NonNumeric = /\D/g;

const mapToNumeric = (
  value: string,
): string => value.replace(NonNumeric, '');

const padding = '00000000000';

const leftPad = (str: string) => {
  return padding.substring(0, padding.length - str.length) + str;

export const isSafeCPF = (value: string): boolean => {
  if (!CPF_PATTERN.test(value)) {
    const onlyNumeric = mapToNumeric(value);
    const leftPadCpf = leftPad(onlyNumeric);

    return isCPF(leftPadCpf);

  return isCPF(value);

@sibelius maybe this can be an issue with 4devs validator (or I'm wrong) because the verifier digit returned by validation it's 71 and not 7

CPF can have less than 11 digits, so the current logic is wrong

Old CPF have less than 11 digits, my father CPF for instance

You need to left pad

another even smaller CPF example



these are all real CPFs