Html on cell value ?
Geminii opened this issue · 3 comments
Geminii commented
Thanks a lot for your work.
I try to use html option into cell value but not works. Do you implement it ?
cols: [
label: "Name",
field: "name",
html: true
rows: [
name: "<span class='test'></span> Hey !"
I defined an html property on my column, but it show <span class='test'></span>
like a string and not interprate in html render.
Thanks for your answer.
abensur commented
@Geminii, I've done that using slot-scope
<template slot="row" slot-scope="{ row }">
<td class="c-table-cell -content" v-html="formatContact(" />
<td class="c-table-cell -content" v-html="formatCategories(row.categories)" />
VitorLuizC commented
With your props would be something like
:cols="[ { label: 'HTML Stuff' }, { label: 'Name' } ]"
:rows="[ { message: '<span class=\'test\'></span> Hey !', name: 'Geminii' } ]"
<template slot="row" slot-scope="{ row }">
<td v-html="row.message"></td>
<td><i class="icon-user"></i> {{ }}</td>
Geminii commented
@abensur @VitorLuizC Thanks for your help.
Works perfectly with template slot
Don't think to use this and focus on html property ...