
Missing tools for working with linker output

VladisM opened this issue · 4 comments

At this moment, linker is emitting LDM file, which is custom format used in place where ELF format usually can be found. But for some real work with this toolchain, way to handle LDM files and convert it to some useful format is needed. I would like to see tool for at least MIF files used by Quartus and binary files.

  • Add support for MIF files into filelib
  • Add support for intel hex file into filelib
  • Add tool to convert ldm to mif
  • Add tool that dump ldm into ihex

Also consider possibility of binary output.

Support for MIF added in 6043449. Only for writing files, not reading them. But this functionality is not needed anyway.

Reverted previous commit with MIF support dc49bcd because adding these file format should be done in more general place. Like utillib is. To be able use them later in future projects related to CPUs.

Support for MIF and IHEX formats were added into utillib. Updated in 7f90927. New tool for converting ldm files into mif and ihex (maybe more in future) is added by ab11060.

Binary output will be left for future myself as it only causes headaches (imagine all possible word widths!!!).