
The code here allows one to grow tumor in silico with and without spiculation. This feature will be added to the FDA VICTRE Pipeline. This repository is here to showcase these added features and the code behind it.


In order to properly use this code, it is recommended that you have the access to the full VICTRE Pipeline. However, here are examples that you can test and try out.

File Name Description
p_1.raw.gz original phantom
pc_1.raw.gz compressed phantom
pc_1_crop.raw.gz cropped compressed phantom
pcl_1.raw.gz compressed original phantom with the inserted lesions
pcl_1_resTumor(1).hdf5 lesion at different timepoints
pcl_1_res(1).hdf5 lesion at different timepoints inserted in the ROI
pcl_1_resFull(1).hdf5 lesion at different timepoints inserted in the full phantom
pcl_1.loc file containing the coordinates of the inserted lesions in the phantom (last number is the lesion type: 1 for calcification clusters, 2 for masses)
spiculation_001.h5 file that contains tumors with spiculation added
projection_DM1.raw contains the DM projection in raw format
reconstruction1.raw contains the DBT reconstruction in raw format
ROIs.h5 contains the lesion-present and lesion-absent regions of interest
ROIs subfolder will also contain the ROIs in raw format (size is specified in the code, 109 x 109 x 9 in the examples, T = 1 for calcification clusters, T = 2 for masses)
ROIs\ROI_DM_XX_typeT DM cropped image for lesion number XX of lesion type T (absent regions will have T < 0)
ROIs\ROI_DBT_XX_typeT DBT cropped volume for lesion number XX of lesion type T (absent regions will have T < 0)

File list

The organization of the Victre pipeline python class is as follows:

File Name Description
Pipeline.py Main python class including all code necessary to run the Victre pipeline
TumorSim.py* python class including all code necessary to run tumor simulations
writetoraw_forAndrea.py* python class that writes tumor generation results to files
spiculation_mass.py* python class that adds spicualtion growth to tumors
Constants.py Helper file that includes default parameters for all the steps of the pipeline
scaleImage.py* Python class that contains functions provide image resizing
DetectedBoundary.py* Python class that dectects the boundary of the tumor ROI
Exceptions.py Helper file that defines Victre exceptions
breastMass Folder including the breastMass software, needs to be pre-compiled
compression Folder including the breastCompress software, needs to be pre-compiled
generation Folder including the breastPhantom software, needs to be pre-compiled
projection Folder including the MC-GPU software, needs to be pre-compiled
reconstruction Folder including the FBP software, needs to be pre-compiled
ModelObserver Folder including the Model Observer class

"*" - Denotes the files I added