
Play video inside App

up2code opened this issue · 1 comments

There is 2 ways in my opinion

  • Use Webview and display from given link. I had tried on old version (1.0) but not worked. I'll try again on this version with React Native. Even if it worked, next problem will be Apple App Reviewer. I'm not sure they will okay with this.
  • Use Provider API (Such as Youtube) For in case if above not worked. But it will take cost if exceed free usage plan.

After doing some PoC, Using webview with embed link from each provider

  • Youtube : Work well with only few problem (rotation and full screen not support)
  • NicoNicoDouga : Not work, specially on iOS. Maybe reason from NND embed link connection is using http but on mobile app there are restrict only https.
  • Bilibili : It's worked but initial load is a bit slow.
  • Soundcloud : Work but there always show pop-up to ask user will listen via web browser or soundcloud app.

On next version (2.0.4) I'll try add Youtube, Bilibili and Soundcloud (prioritize as this order) to song detail page if that song contain pvs as mentioned.