
App has been removed from Play store by Google due to a policy violation

up2code opened this issue · 4 comments


Need to investigate and contact to Google's policy support team for more information about which one I had violated. Not sure is about I had used embed youtube video inside app instead of using Youtube API.

Huh that is certainly odd. Glad I'm not in mobile development business

Update progress

I had read Youtube Terms of Service but still not sure which one that I had violated. At section 4 seem like most posibility, But this app didn't made for commercial usage and I didn't modified anything about Embeddable Player.

I had sent an appeal and ask for more detail to Google play policy team. Wait for them to reply.


Update progress 2

Google Play Team had replied my appeal.

Seem like Youtube not allow you to run their videos in background. There are some solutions found out in stackoverflow about this issue.

I don't know why but in my device (Huewei P20) Youtube is not working on background when I try to play and switch to home but not sure about other device.

Anyway I'll try to fix it and resubmit app.


Still don't understand what or how related about this screenshot from them to Youtube background playing.


I had resubmit app and already published to Play store. I don't know if they had reviewed yet since no any response from them. So I'll close this issue for now.