
More filters for the user search page

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About the user search page: https://vocadb.net/User?filter=

Currently we only have the options to search for:

  • Name
  • Group (user type)
  • Knows language
  • Artist accounts
  • Show disabled accounts

Additionally, we have these sort options:

  • Name
  • Member since
  • User group

Suggestion for the following search and sort options:

  • Verified Email (yes/no) (available for mods only?)
  • Email (available for mods only)
  • old username/s (available for mods only?)
  • IP (available for mods only)
  • submissions count
  • total edits count
  • comments count
  • tag votes count
  • power count or level
  • collection count (albums)
  • liked songs count (likes+favos)
  • followed artists count
  • last login date/time (available for mods only?)
  • last activity date/time (available for mods only?)

Additionally, there could be a new filter/statistic introduced: Amount of entry reports created
and then also added as a search option to the user page (available for mods only).

Another issue: the suer search page is missing the "More language options"