
Support to add general action that appears by default in context menu

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support to add general action that appears by default in context menu

have been using this utility and it's amazing, but I'm facing a scenario where I don't want to assign an action to a file type but rather with the default context menu.

Example: Recording Screen with FFmpeg :

ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -draw_mouse 1 -i "desktop" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv444p -crf 0 -preset veryfast recording.mkv

it would be nice to add a general action named:Record Screen that shows on the context menu.
but i can't seam to find away to do it .


Work for additions like this one, as well as support for folders and all files, is currently the second item on my list of additions (right behind debugging additions for troubleshooting), just currently waiting on a replacement laptop to arrive.

@VodBox Thanks man for this great tool.

I have another neat feature " Conditional Actions " that would appear if a combination of file types is selected.a good scenario would be merging 2 files, let's say you want to merge an audio file with an mp4 file. so you add a conditional action that would appear only if both those 2 types of files are selected by the user.


the only way to do it in the current version is to assign the action to one of file types let's say the .mp4 and hardcode the name of the audio file in the command or name the audio the same as the video.

Example :

// adding wav file to mp4
ffmpeg -i "%~1" -i "%~dnp1.wav" -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 320k "%~dnp1_new.mp4"
// adding mp3 file to mp4
ffmpeg -i "%~1" -i "%~dnp1.mp3"  "%~dnp1_new.mp4" 

here we assume that we have a wav file named with the same name as the selected video it works fine but it would be nice to add conditional actions to allow such a behavior
where we passe both files to the same command :

ffmpeg -i "%~1" -i "%~2" -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 320k "%~dnp1_new.mp4"

hope this will give you a clear idea and such a feature will see light in your next version

cheers 🥇