Opening of Modal Scrolling to Top of Page
nrly opened this issue · 3 comments
First up thanks for your great modal script.
I'm having the same issue described here #20.
However using min-height doesn't work in terms of keeping my #header div 100%. Currently set up as html, body {height: 100%;} and #header {min-height:100%;}. If I change html,body to min-height it doesn't fill the screen however the modal works correctly any doesn't scroll to the top of the page.
Is there any fix for this without having to remove height:100% ??
Thanks in advance!
@nrly in the remodal's CSS file remove overflow:hidden of the remodal_lock class or write in your styles: html, body { overflow: auto !important }
. This solution will save scrollbar, but fix scrolling of the viewport.
Awesome! Thanks so much the quick reply this seems to have fixed it perfectly.