My truly personal space on the internet.


What is this about?

I am exploring ways to create and publish more of my own work. This includes writing, photography, software development, and possibly some art projects too.

How is this built?

This website is built on the static site generator Zola. All content lives in the content/ directory, with the exception of some single-use templates in templates/ (about.html, ...)

Most of my writing is done in Markdown files that I edit in Helix.

Future work

  • It would be cool to include a dark mode, based on the prefers-color-scheme CSS media feature. See MDN.
  • Separate page for books I have read and reviews I have written
  • Host binary content (i.e., images, documents) on a separate CDN (Backblaze B2)
  • Add social meta tags (twitter, schema, opengraph)
  • Refactor Photos to use three-column gallery (see LogRocket blog and Sydney Hough's website)
    • Instead split photos into different albums that have a linear gallery
  • Refactor to use Zola instead of Jekyll
  • Add a "recently updated" preview on the home page
  • Maybe look into the use of Adobe's open-source font family Source, including Source Sans Pro and Source Serif Pro (also used at
  • Find a way to incorporate link dumps (I like the idea of small screenshot thumbnails of websites, e.g., see this)
  • Add a section with TIL's (Today I Learned)
  • Start a solarpunk series (photography and cuisine!)
  • Increase the data-availability for all food pages


All content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. The website's source code is licensed under the MIT license.