
3D Scatter Plot

yosiasz opened this issue · 2 comments

create a dashboard

point to Dynamic Text

no need for data source as we will use dynamic fake data

Enable Javascript for Dynamic Text here

add the following Script as external resource

add following html

  <div id="addisAbeba">
    <!-- Plotly chart will be drawn inside this DIV -->

add following javascript

(async () => {
  let url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/3d-scatter.csv';

  let fetchData = await fetch(url);
  let csvData = await fetchData.text();
  let rows = csvToJson(csvData);

  var trace1 = {
    x: unpack(rows, 'x1'), y: unpack(rows, 'y1'), z: unpack(rows, 'z1'),
    mode: 'markers',
    marker: {
      size: 12,
      line: {
        color: 'rgba(217, 217, 217, 0.14)',
        width: 0.5
      opacity: 0.8
    type: 'scatter3d'

  var trace2 = {
    x: unpack(rows, 'x2'), y: unpack(rows, 'y2'), z: unpack(rows, 'z2'),
    mode: 'markers',
    marker: {
      color: 'rgb(127, 127, 127)',
      size: 12,
      symbol: 'circle',
      line: {
        color: 'rgb(204, 204, 204)',
        width: 1
      opacity: 0.8
    type: 'scatter3d'

  var data = [trace1, trace2];

  var layout = {
    margin: {
      l: 0,
      r: 0,
      b: 0,
      t: 0
  Plotly.newPlot('addisAbeba', data, layout);

const unpack = (rows, key) => {
  return rows.map(function (row) { return row[key]; });

const csvToJson = (data, delimiter = ',') => {
  const titles = data.slice(0, data.indexOf('\r\n')).split(delimiter);
  return data
    .slice(data.indexOf('\n') + 1)
    .map(v => {
      const values = v.split(delimiter);
      return titles.reduce(
        (obj, title, index) => ((obj[title] = values[index]), obj),

Results in


Thank you @yosiasz, I updated the previous solution with 3d Scatter, which load external data and is more interesting.